My Hand on My Head

My Hand on My Head

and here is Lyric of  My Hand on My Head

My hand on my head,
What have I here?
This is my top-notcher,
My Mama dear
Top-notcher, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my brow,
What have I here?
This is my sweat boxer,
My Mama dear
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my eye,
What have I here?
This is my eye blinker,
My Mama dear
Eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my nose,
What have I here?
This is my smell sniffer,
My Mama dear
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my mustache,
What have I here?
This is my soup strainer,
My Mama dear
Soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my mouth,
What have I here?
This is my food grinder,
My Mama dear
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom!

My hand on my chin,
What have I here?
This is my chin chopper,
My Mama dear
Chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my chest,
What have I here?
This is my air blower,
My Mama dear
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my stomach,
What have I here?
This is my bread basket,
My Mama dear
Bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my lap,
What have I here?
This is my lap sitter,
My Mama dear
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my knee,
What have I here?
This is my knee bender,
My Mama dear
Knee bender,
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)

My hand on my foot,
What have I here?
This is my foot stomper,
My Mama dear
Foot stomper, knee bender,
Lap sitter, bread basket,
Air blower, chin chopper,
Food grinder, soup strainer,
Smell sniffer, eye blinker,
Sweat boxer, top-notcher,
Dickey, dickey doo
That's what I learned in my school.
Boom! Boom! (slap thighs)
One of our visitors grew up in a German-speaking church that sang this song at fun family gatherings, as shown below. With each body part, you'd put your hands on that part, and with each verse, as the list of parts grew ever longer, you'd have to point/touch faster and faster, with barely enough time to say the words.
Hands on mineself
Vas is das here?
Das is my [bread basket],
Mama, mama dear.
Bread basket, bread basket,
Inky, dinky doo
Das vat ve learned in da school
Ya, ya!

Believed to have begun as an old German folksong.

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